Hello. My name is EN. People prefer to call me Bella. Some may call me Bells, Belle, Bellon, Balloon and so on. It's okay, dah biasa dah~
Born on 20th July 1998. This year, i'm already 18. Ya Allah, cepatnya masa berlalu T^T. Tapi lesen kereta tak ambil lagi. School's over... so, I'll try my best to fill my gap with loads of activities and hopefully I have the time and will to share it with you guys. (( Macamlah ada org yang sudi baca. sob sob ))
I love food (( especially desserts )), travelling is my job, camera is my bae. Currently i own a Nikon D3200 je. Not so fancy smancy. Well, a new camera is deffinately in my wishlist. I do not own any smartphones, I only use 'public phones' a.k.a telefon rumah iolls xD. If you want to stay in contact or know me more, you can follow me on Instagram, Twitter and... yeah.. that's all i have. OH! if you ever heard of Habbo, do add me as a friend, lol. Astaghfirullah alazim..
My family consist of 6, but now currently decreased in number. My sister just passed away [Friday, 10.20 am, 13th February 2015]. She was just 18 and almost turned 19, the upcoming April. Yeah.. Doctor said she had tumors in her brain and a couple of tumors bursted which caused her to her death. But what ever the cause is, InshaAllah kami sekeluarga redha. Panjang lagi ceritanya, InshaAllah nanti-nanti iolls cerita ye. ihiks.
I love to attend any majlis ilmu. Last December 2015, i attended Daurah Kubra 4 at Baitul Qurro' wal Fuqoha', Sungai Udang Melaka. I also attended TOF 2015. Ya Allah best nya! Serious, nak pergi lagi! AND, if you guys ada khabar about any programs, do inform me and tell me about it kay? I would really appreciate it.
That's all i guess. Feel free to ask me any question in my cbox. Syukran wa ma'asalamah!
Instagram : bellanadzri
Twitter : @bella_nadzri